When it hurts
Sometimes things fall apart. A desire remains unfulfilled. A dream is dashed. A hope is deferred. Death crashes into life with unwelcome abandon. It’s tempting in those moments to wonder about God’s goodness. Does He see us? Does He hear our cries? Does He know the desires of our hearts? Does He notice our pain? […]
This Christian, atheist and ex-military guy walk into a…
We’re like the start of a bad joke: An atheist, a Jesus-lover, an artist, a teacher and an ex-military guy walk into a bar… Only it’s no bar. We met at the dog park and (most) every Monday night we walk into a coffee shop or someone’s home to talk writing. They’re my writer’s group—and […]
She paved the way
Here I sit, in Okinawa, Japan, and the truth is I should hate being here. Years ago my mom was imprisoned by the Japanese. From 6 to 10 years old, she was held captive on the island of Indonesia. She suffered deeply through those horrific years and then into adulthood as she relived the trauma […]
Dance in your jammies (Part 2 to Look at me!)
Ok, so yesterday I talked about my deep need to know I matter, that I’m special to God, my family and at least a few thousand (OK, OK, 787) Facebook friends. I pooh-poohed thinking too much of the good things God has brought into my life or pondering too long on the things I’ve accomplished. […]
Look at me!
Look at me! My longing to be noticed started off harmless enough. After all, I was the first girl born after a batch of boys. Look at my toes! Look at my dress! Look at how cute I am! John, on the left, was less than thrilled with me, but don’t you worry, I did […]