Itty bitty towels and God’s grace – a video thought

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So I need your help. Here is my very first uploaded YouTube video. It’s only 4 minutes long and you all are the first to see it. Gulp. Be kind, but let me know your thoughts. Should I put this on my website as a promo clip? Find something else? Scrap speaking all together?

Let me know!

43 Responses

  1. Sooo maybe it’s just me that’s technologically incompetent, but…the video is “set to private”…?

  2. Don’t EVER give up speaking. Your thoughts and comments are so real that women can identify with them and will listen and hopefully take heart to what you say. I think this would work great as a promo clip….

  3. I think the video is perfectly Elsa!! It captures all of the wonderfulness of you: realness/honesty, humor, passion, knowledge…Definitely a keeper and would make a great promo video clip for your website!

  4. Thanks for sharing! I agree with other comments – you are real and approachable and God is using you in a mighty way! Keep on speaking and bring your own towels to the gym!

  5. Elsa,
    Keep speaking, keep writing, and keep being real. This video showcases your awesome personality, your heart, and who you are as an ambassador for God. I say keep it and post it with abandon!

  6. Oh Elsa!!! I love it…post it!! You are so refreashing,cute,and I find you so sincere! I love it that you have such
    humor and I love your passion for God.Know that you are very beautiful and I enjoy getting your e’s.

  7. I’ll offer the guy vote: it’s a good clip, post it. And by all means, please continue your speaking engagements, I’m trying to get my church to sponsor you on behalf of my DivorceCare group.

  8. Elsa, I loved it. You have spoken to my spirit from the moment I started co-facilitating DivorceCare a couple of years ago. There is something about you that makes me stop, listen, and breathe deeply.

  9. Wonderful! I love hearing you speak and watching the light of Christ shine through every pore of your being πŸ™‚

  10. Ummm…. I was drawn into your words, hearing the Lord’s desire for us as you express it…. And, all of a sudden… it was over! MORE please! πŸ™‚

  11. Elsa,
    I think that you said all of that just for me to hear. I have struggled for years with exactly what you started this clip with – comparing myself to others. I have struggled with body image issues since I can remember. You are so right about being grateful. When I focus on the many blessings that He pours out on me every day, things I don’t even ask for, then my body image doesn’t seem so important anymore. Thank you for sharing this!

  12. I concur with all your other groupies! Love it! Definately post it! God is expanding your territory and you just keep lining up with what He tells you to do. What a great example you are of stepping out there into new things! When I grow up, I want to be just like you! Keep it coming!

  13. DON’T stop! I love listening to you share from your heart. I agree with all the above comments. I think God has given you the gift of encouragement and speaking in front of others! You share what we all are pondering and maybe don’t ever talk with others about! I believe, personally, that God has you right where He wants you and is using you in big ways…in my life and the lives of so many others! Love you girl!

  14. Elsa! I love reading your blogs, but even more, I love watching you speaking and teaching the Word! You smile and laugh and the Lord shines right through you! Keep it up! With God’s continued blessings in you and your family’s life, many more will be blessed!

    love you, sister!

  15. Elsa, when you ask me for critique, you can count on me for critical analysis, so don’t ask if you don’t want it! πŸ™‚
    I think this clip is a good promo clip for your speaking (giving folks a good taste of your engaging style & humble heart). If you’re thinking about this as a promo for your topic of “purity”, I had trouble connecting those dots. . . . .With “pure living” in the title, I kept wondering, “What’s this got to do with purity”. That was the only distraction for me, since the clip didn’t connect contentment with pure living. Perhaps you just need to change the title, so other “big picture thinkers” don’t get distracted looking for the bit about pure living. I love listening to you speak & reading your thoughts, so don’t ever stop doing what God made you to do! -Bekah Mulvaney

  16. great clip Elsa, you should use it. About to head to single parent family camp in Ruidoso, N.M., wish you were speaking again this year, you did such a great job last year. Good to hear your voice, even in a video. πŸ™‚

  17. Elsa, Since the first time I saw you in the DivorceCare videos, I have liked your down to earth honesty and always like what you have to say. I am now getting your e-mails, they along with this clip are thought provoking and keep God in the forefront. Love your sense of humor. Keep going towards the goal we are all headed toward.

  18. Ohhhh, Elsa…no, never give up speaking…ever. You have the warmest down-to-earth style I have ever known, and yet still so very eloquent, every word that comes out of your mouth. Your wit, your shining eyes, your beautiful smile, your obvious love for God…all so very engaging. You touch my heart so deeply…truly you do.

  19. Yes post it. Its awesome. It spoke to me. Your just being the person God made you to be. Even if its funny or embarrassing God will use anything to speak to others. Its throught our brokeness that He uses us. I love your spirit Elsa.!!!!!!!!! :>

  20. Blessings from australia, Loved your input in Divorce Care videos, how wonderful to see you now. You are such an encouragement and spread everywhere the aroma of Christ. I wanted more please, the bit before and the rest after. I know you will be a powerful witness to the grace of our Lord Jesus, may you prosper in your outreach.

  21. Bravo! Bravo! Yes post it! I love your spirit and your sincere heart for God. A big thanks on behalf of my friends from my DivorceCare Bible study in Costa Rica. Isn’t it amazing that I met you 8 years ago through the videos? Maybe you don’t know but you have been a blessing to many people in my country. Latin people love you! By the way, my mother’s name is Elsa too!!! Love you,

  22. I knew you were an excellent writer but I had no idea how truley gifted you are as a speaker. Post it. Its a wonderful clip.

  23. Elsa,
    Loved it when you first shared this at Collide in ATX. You are real, easy to understand with a gift of warmth, personality, and sharing God’s love for me. Thank you, and YES, post it…

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