I don’t think I’ve ever seen Brian so sick.

High fever, shaking, barely able to stand. I’d already taken him to Urgent Care and they’d sent him home with some strong antibiotics to battle a bad infection that came on overnight. Only a few hours later, his temp kept rising. We knew the antibiotics hadn’t had time to work, but we were concerned about the high fever. And infection of that nature with only one kidney – it wasn’t good.

When the thermometer topped 104, I called the doc and they urged us to go to the ER.

The ER docs weren’t nearly as worried as I was. They said it was good we came in, but they simply gave him a strong med to bring his fever down and sent us home – with the condition that we come back if he got worse.

We kept a close eye on him, and he seemed to slowly improve.

That’s when the financial reality hit.

Brian switched jobs recently and his health insurance had yet to kick in. Nine days. Only nine days until his insurance would begin.

We’ve never been without insurance and in the time I’ve known him, Brian has never had to go to the ER.

The one time he had to go for medical help, we were without insurance. And of course, I took him to Urgent Care first. Two doozy bills in one 24-hour period.

And we’re in the midst of all our adoption travel and agency expenses.

I nearly went into a full-blown pity party. Really? This so stinks! Talk about bad timing… grumble, grumble, grumble, gripe, gripe, gripe, extra long sigh and a good old-fashioned whine.

A few hours later, I received a call from the director of the orphanage where our boys are living in Haiti. Miriam was broken down on the side of the road and they were waiting for help to arrive. She thought she’d check in. I listened as she told of the children they had just rescued. Thirteen of the worst were in the truck with her, along with some of the parents. Kids dying of malnutrition, others burning up with fever because of infection. She was just praying that they’d get the tire fixed quickly since it had already been a 13-hour trip across treacherous mountain roads. These kids needed help.

A few days later, two of the boys, Wisnor and Naisson – an 8-year-old and a 3-year-old, died of the lingering effects of malnutrition.

Wisnor and Naisson. There’s this deep ache in my heart that they be known. It was all so real. I’d talked to Miriam when these boys were in the truck. I heard the stories as they unfolded. Both sets of parents LOVED their boys. Wisnor’s mom had to leave to go back to the village and care for her other children. She planned to come back and check on her boy soon. The night after she left, Wisnor passed away.

How to even get word to her?

I have two hospitals within a five minute drive.

I have plenty of food. Most days too much.

Yes, Brian was sick and it was scary. But even without insurance, he received medical attention and was quickly on the mend.

I know a lot of us are worried about the election. We wonder what will become of our nation if this one or that one gets elected.

For me, this was a stark, vivid, powerful reminder that as much as I worry for our nation, I am blessed to live here, blessed to have medical care and food and a place to lay my head.

So as election results come out tomorrow – as various groups go into panic mode and threaten to move to Canada, I’m going to do my best to remember Miriam, Wisnor and Naisson and remain grateful for all that we do have at our fingertips—no matter who is in the White House.

Will you join me?

Oh, and friends, if you would like to help Miriam and New Life, you can go to their website and donate there. With the recent hurricane, the need has certainly grown.  Your funds will definitely go to good use. Click here to find out more.


19 Responses

  1. A true “Thanksgiving” letter amidst trials and pain. Job knew this reality in his life. How humbling and how grateful this makes me. Thank you for sharing! These parallels you shared make the reality of trusting in our God more powerful. Know, I am praying for you, your boys, Miriam, and the parents of dear Winsor and Naisson. May traveling mercies be on you both as you go visit your boys. I love you, sister.

  2. Thank you, Lord, for all of our many many blessings — especially those we too often overlook and take for granted.

  3. We take our life for granted because there is always help. Pray for all who have no food, water or medical care and live in caves or shelter. Everything we have belongs to God. Give HIM the glory!

  4. I’ve thought of this many times as I have gotten caught up in the election commercials and polls. God will put into office who he wants. I have to remember he can move mountains and always in control. So easy to let the worries of this world get to us. You don’t have to look far to be thankful for the blessings God has given us. Thank you Elsa for following in the great gift God gave you. You encourage me always!!

  5. Elsa, so praying for Brian, for insurance stuff. Oh my been there recently. When those bills come in call the hospital and doctors. Plead, beg, go into hysteria and at the same time get names and above all be gracious. They will work with you. It is amazing the cost of things and frustrating when you find out there are different charges depending on having insurance,not having insurance, etc. I didn’t believe it when people told me to call but we did and we were able to get some of the cost reduced and or dropped.

    “A servant of Christ Jesus . . . is always wrestling in prayer for you, that you may stand firm in all the will of God, mature and fully assured.” Colossians 4:12

    Allow me and others to be your wrestlers. We’ve got ya covered!

  6. We often focus on everything but our Lord and Savior. We are so much like Peter. Take our eyes off Christ and we sink. #eyesup. I hope Brian is feeling much better Thanks for you Blogs. Brian

  7. God Bless you Elsa for your words of wisdom. I am glad Brian is doing much better!
    The results of this election are no surprise to our God who made the universe. He is Sovereign! Amen.

  8. Thanks for the reminder, Elsa. Every day life, worries & struggles tend to make us forget Our Creator is in control. Blessings!

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