Some secrets are meant to be kept (Flashback Friday)

From January 21st, 2005 Sami and I have a secret, sacred mother-daughter code. Anytime that we share something with each other that we don’t want anyone else to know, we put up our pinky fingers, lock them, do a little circular handshake and intone “Mother-daughter sphere—promise?” This is to keep Sami from spilling out my […]

One Mom’s Fight Against Tuckuses and Ticks (Flashback Friday)

From March, 2006 (Sam was 14 – at 19, she now makes much better musical decisions!) : Sam loves music. If she could, her headphones would be surgically implanted for her constant listening pleasure. Unfortunately some of the music Sam enjoys falls way short of my this-is-so-not-good-for-you parental antennae. We’ll be in the car, flipping […]

She paved the way

Here I sit, in Okinawa, Japan, and the truth is I should hate being here. Years ago my mom was imprisoned by the Japanese. From 6 to 10 years old, she was held captive on the island of Indonesia. She suffered deeply through those horrific years and then into adulthood as she relived the trauma […]

Camouflage Mama and True Beauty (flasback Friday)

October 15, 2006 Camouflage Mama It happens every afternoon around 4:37 p.m. I don my camouflage pants and head out the door. Sam’s bus arrives at the bottom of the hill at 4:39. She’s in high school now. Cool. Happening. She wears lip-gloss and just a touch of foundation to take off the shine. She […]

So I think I can dance…

I love dancing. I enjoy doing the Macarena, the Electric Slide and the Boot Scoot Boogie. Yeah, I know. Those dances are as old as dirt. So it’s been a little while. But today I discovered Zumba. Usually when I go to the gym, I take the BodyPump, BodyFix or the TrimEverythingAndQuick class. I never […]